building bricks

Hi Everyone. I'm a architecture student from the UK. I set up this blog to air my views on Architecture, life and everything. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Tudor House

In my weeks holiday I had a bit of free time to finally go and visit some of my friends at other universities. I took a visit to Southampton, which is the first time I've ever been there. I persuaded my friend to take me to see some Southampton Architecture, which he claimed there was very little. However I saw lots of really cool buildings but my favorite had to be the Tutor House Museum (see top picture) just because of the wall detail. It is a Timber framed house with large, exposed timber stud (architectural term for the vertical bits of timber) and a brick infill (see the bottom hand sketch I did). The infill however has a Chevron pattern which is just beautiful especially as the bricks are different shades of reds and browns. I love details in building, something special in a building which makes it stand out. I think quite a lot of modern buildings forget these small details because of cost. This has made many modern buildings similar and dull.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Here's my solution to the last project. This site plan shows I have three housing types. The public square on the left hand side are home worker housing which have office space at the front and a family house behind. The large red block in the centre of the square is a public information centre / cafe and museum. Leading off the public sqaure is the couples and family housing, couples at the top of the hill and family housing at the bottom. These houses are based around squares tumbling down the slope and are is a similar style to existing buildings in the village.

I had a huge problem getting this image in this blog so I hope you like it.